Lately, it’s been extremely difficult to explain how I’m feeling because I feel guilty even saying it out loud. So let me start by saying, I totally get that people would kill to do what I’m doing. Some women would drop their jobs in a heartbeat if it meant they could stay at home with the little kids that make...
- Month: August 2016 -
I know, I know: It’s not Thursday. I didn’t get a break yesterday all day. I mean, I got a break, but it was a break to get a massage. Oh the bliss. Better late than never. Here are my thirteen things for this week: I love Esmae and her daddy together. Gabe is going to be an amazing daddy...
As I sit here in the early hours of the day I feel so proud that I got myself up and out of bed before Martell started yelling, “I’m AWAKE! I’m AWAKE!” I made myself coffee because, well, do I really need to finish that sentence? I can still hear the unified chirping of the crickets outside, and I am...
I am easily fooled. I scroll through my Instagram feed and I see all of these sheen homes. Ones filled with simple white walls that amazingly have no fingerprints or crayon scribbles; ones pictured with kids who have only wooden toys and wear all organic cottons; ones that cook beautiful food and have open shelves in the kitchen lined with...
Word on the street tells me it’s time for school to start up again. As many of my momma friends get their little ones ready with their notebooks and glue and crayons and markers (some first-timers—go mamas, you’ve got this), and as all of my teaching friends get their rooms ready and pray for the little kiddos that they’ll spend...
As many of you remember, just about a month ago, our son became our forever Martell Gabriel Walder. What a joy it has been to be freed of the weight of unknown and to know beyond the shadow of a doubt that this little man is ours for the keeping. Since so many of our friends and family have walked...
Today I realized my lack of freedom all over again. I really wanted to get some peaches from the grocery at 99 cents/pound and to see if I could hit up a sale over at Old Navy for some end of summer sales. While I was gone during nap time, Esmae woke up and I got frantic texts from Gabe...
I must say that I can’t believe I’ve been at this for five weeks already. It feels like time has gone by so quickly this summer. When you have a little one as small as Esmae, every day truly is a transition of some kind, and just keeping up with them is a full time job—I don’t deal with change...
Sometimes paying attention makes me a more grateful person. I notice beauty in things like spider webs when I’m gross-sweating on my walk home from the park. So intricate and fragile, yet so strong in purpose. May we be people who are fragile with and compassionate towards ourselves and our people, all the while holding fast in strength to what’s...
As the white blankets begin to thin under the warmth of a nearing sun, and the green pushes up through the soil—once believed never to return—we often feel our hearts, wrapped so tightly in woolen scarves, begin to thaw as well. And before we know it, we’re in the sweltering heat of summer, with flowers blooming, and trees filled again,...

Hey All, I'm Lindsay. I'm here putting my heart out there for you to read and hopefully be encouraged by. This place here is my life--my parenting, my home, my Jesus, my thoughts about life. I can't wait to get to know you through this sweet and sacred place.