Thursday’s Thirteen Things I Love #7
I know, I know: It’s not Thursday. I didn’t get a break yesterday all day. I mean, I got a break, but it was a break to get a massage. Oh the bliss. Better late than never. Here are my thirteen things for this week:
- I love Esmae and her daddy together. Gabe is going to be an amazing daddy to this girl. There is a specific kind of man who does the parenting of girls really well, and my guy is that kind of man for sure. She will be blessed in so many ways throughout her life, but one of the best will be having Gabriel Walder for her daddy.
- I love that I’m not in middle school anymore. Talk about awkward and hard. I was walking home today from spending some time on campus with Martell and Esmae, and I walked by the Urbana Middle School while the kids were out at P.E. Oh boy, my heart went out to every. single. one. of them. Poor things. Lord, help them all–especially the really tall girls, the really skinny boys, the ones with new acne, the girls who just got their periods for the first time (sorry guys) and finally the ones with braces. Can there be a worse perfect storm?
- I love when hard days are redeemed. This morning, Martell woke up crying and proceeded to cry for a good 40 minutes, but then, something magical happened. We went on a long walk to get donuts and he ran in the industrial sprinklers on campus since the humidity is literally 94% and we were all saved.
- I love walking into an air conditioned room when you’re just about ready to melt.
- I love waking up feeling rested. (Don’t ask me the last time I felt rested when I woke up or I’ll throw something heavy at you.)
- I love when I have right perspective about situations–like, “He’s only two. Gently correct him and move on.” Sometimes I surprise myself with that.
- I love getting a massage every once in a while that leaves me relaxed and refreshed. I know that I’m spoiled, but there’s nothing like it. If you need a good masseuse, let me know–I can hook you up.
- I love homemade pizza.
- I love (and hate) that Martell get’s distracted while he eats and plays with his food. I guess what I love is that he has an active imagination–I hope it always serves him well.
- I love having a good hair day–or a day that I have time to do my hair. Either or.
- I love meeting new people that I seem to “click” with.
- I love spontaneous phone conversations with far-away friends and family that feel natural and encouraging.
- Finally, I love when I lay my laziness aside and do something creative with Martell. The other day we made grasshoppers out of his footprint and gave it to Gabe when he got home from work. (It said, “I’m so hoppy you’re my Daddy” on the back. Too much, right? Oh well.) We’re both better for making a little mess for the sake of good memories.
Happy weekend-ing. Over here we have the annual Sweet Corn Festival. You know you’re living in central Illinois when…