A while back I saw this quote from a song I that don’t know, but the lyrics were profound to me, and for some reason, I felt moved by them. The lyrics say: Let us float in the tears Let us cry from the laughters Life can be a rollercoaster. Our hopes can be dashed. Our dreams can simply drift...
- Month: September 2016 -
Thursday’s Thirteen Things I Love #10
This week’s Thursday things, may push some buttons. I may make a few of you feel uncomfortable, but if I choose not to share some of these loves, I would be quieting a part of my heart and life and reality that is front and center, and as I’ve reverberated in past posts–this blog is the raw and honest truth. So,...
Outside our back door there is a spider that is disgustingly huge. I’m talking half-dollar size. Surprisingly, I haven’t been seeing the spider as being disgusting, however, which is very unlike my squeamish, bug-fearing self. I take that back, I’m not afraid of all bugs. I think cool bugs like stick bugs and leaf bugs and caterpillars and grasshoppers are...
It’s barely Thursday anymore and here I am as the evening comes to a close, typing out the things that made my heart flutter this week. I hope as you read them, your hearts flutter, too, because that’s what this blog is all about for me–connection, people, love, gratitude, feeling life deeply, truly and authentically. So, as simple as they...
The sky today is as blue as blue as Esmae’s eyes—or her eyes as blue as today’s sky? Either way–woah. It’s gorgeous out. Not a lick of humidity—thank God, literally. Thanks to a helpful friend, I’m sitting at Starbucks getting my writing on here instead of at my home office; and by office I mean, my bed or my...
It feels super crazy that I just posted my last week’s thirteen things two days ago, so I am going to skip this week, and post instead. This is what I wrote last night. Love you, people! The house is quiet. The kids are in bed and my husband is out having a drink with a buddy. I just left...
I can’t believe I forgot which day Thursday was last week! Well, I can actually–Thursday was filled with the craziness involved in preparing to leave for a long weekend with two little, tiny children along with the added drama of needing to go to the dentist due to lingering tooth pain following an appointment last week. Come to find out,...
Hey All, I'm Lindsay. I'm here putting my heart out there for you to read and hopefully be encouraged by. This place here is my life--my parenting, my home, my Jesus, my thoughts about life. I can't wait to get to know you through this sweet and sacred place.