Thursday’s Thirteen Things I Love #8
I can’t believe I forgot which day Thursday was last week! Well, I can actually–Thursday was filled with the craziness involved in preparing to leave for a long weekend with two little, tiny children along with the added drama of needing to go to the dentist due to lingering tooth pain following an appointment last week. Come to find out, I needed an emergency root canal on Friday before we left. (I’ll accept your pity here.)
Anyways, if you can believe it, Thursday I was able to see some things to be thankful for despite the crazy tooth setback. So, without further ado:
- I love cool weather and the lack of humidity. Thursday we were actually able to use our screen sun room to cuddle and read books while I sipped my morning coffee.
- I love when I feel known and understood. Sometimes when I write these posts or when I explain how I’m doing, my honesty can throw people into a worry-filled tizzy. I love it, however, when people reach out in understanding and lay to rest the need for pretenses.
- I love homemade chocolate chip cookies. I may or may not have eaten a few for lunch today.
- I love opening all of the windows in the house after needing to have them all shut for a while–whether for midwest summer, which involves long stretches of humidity or midwest winter, which involves long stretches of bitter, freezing cold. Open windows are a gift to my outside-loving, fresh-air-sipping self.
- I love that my son can practically sleep through anything. He’s the greatest sleeper in the world.
- I love packing the car when it seems like there’s no way all of our junk will fit. It reminds me of Tetris–ohhhhhh my nineties childhood.
- I love that my town hosts an annual sweet corn festival, and I LOVE the sweet corn which is absolutely covered in butter. An annual indulgence laden with guilt, yet secret tasty pleasure.
- I love watching movies from my childhood with Martell. It sometimes amazes me how quickly things have begun to come full circle. Am I really a mom to a two-and-a-half-year-old? Someone pinch me.
- I love when I’m offered something from a friend or family member or even a complete stranger that is exactly what I need without needing to ask.
- I love cooking new recipes that taste good to the whole family. I especially like it when they’re healthy and have leftovers. I’m open to suggestions.
- I love bouquets of wildflowers handpicked on walks. This weekend we found wild yellow Snapdragons–they look to me like they’re straight from the 70’s–perfectly delicate and bold at the same time.
- I love when the car is clean. A rare and welcomed gift from my husband. The last thing I have time for is cleaning cars–let’s be real, people.
- Finally, I love Winking Owl wine from Aldi. It’s perfect for a quick glass of wine at the end of a long day without feeling the burden of cost.
I hope you all had a weekend filled with absolutely no laboring and filled with all fun.
Yay! Love getting an email that you’ve posted.
I don’t know how you do it. I know I love a lot of things, but couldn’t come up with 13 a week. Love your posts each and every week. Love you too. Gram