There’s this children’s book that I wish I could have been brilliant enough to write, and talented enough to illustrate. Nearly every time I read it to Martell, I get teary-eyed and have to kiss both my kids like a thousand times because it resonates so deeply with my mama heart. There is not one thing I would change about...
- Author: Lindsay Walder -
There’s cool places right in your backyard. And more importantly, cool people. Two nights in a row our plans were orchestrated/changed/extended by friends just happening to be in the same places at the same time. I think the Lord does things when we allow Him to mess with our plans. Tonight, my heart is full. Here’s to allowing that to...
For 25.5 months; 111 weeks; 778 days we have been awaiting this day. You see, 25.5 months; 111 weeks; 778 days ago, we got a call from Lutheran Social Services saying that they needed a home for a four-month old boy named Isaiah. With overwhelming excitement and genuine earnestness, we accepted. My hands shook as I called my dad to...
For the first six months of having this website, I’ve decided it could be fun to challenge myself in thankfulness, and share thirteen things I love every Thursday. (Side note: my husband was making fun of me because I chose the number thirteen, but I’m an elementary teacher at heart, and I love myself a good alliteration. Th-ursday’s Th-irteen Th-ings....
This last week has been, well, I don’t feel quite like “trying” is the appropriate word. It may be a bit dramatic, but let’s just say, last week pulled me to the edges of myself. I’m sure you’re just dying to hear what brought me to this low abode. Wait for it…I potty trained our two-year-old. Notice the past tense...
Sometimes it’s not the rare things in life that are most beautiful, but rather the ordinary things. Sometimes it’s the things like tomatoes, and basil, and a little nibbling helper that sprout up out of nowhere and enter into my field of vision, right where they belong–front and center. Every once in a while I think it’s important to zoom...
I force my my heavy legs over the side of the tousled blankets before I even pry the lids of my eyes open. Resenting her cries that pull me from the warmth of my freshly cleaned sheets, I make my way to the next room where our newest addition to the family sings with need for her mama. “I just...
Today I’m reminded that His mercies are new. every. morning. The Lord holds our fickle hands and hearts ever-so tightly despite our naivety and unfaithfulness towards Him. When the cup that holds our lot feels dry, He is the God who fills it again and again. Sometimes walking in the will of the Father is hard and it comes with...
Today I met some new moms, and realized all over again that life can be brutal. Sometimes it’s hard for us to pick ourselves up when the throes of loss and pain and suffering pull the rug right out from under us. But we need each other. When we share our hearts and our lack of immunity to brokenness, we...
I’m a sucker. I pick my son up from daycare and he carries his picture to the car. I strap him in, get in the driver’s seat and he reaches up to me over his head with said picture saying: “Mama, Mama! Here. A picture! I made it……for you. It’s for you, Mama!” As you can see, the picture is far...
Hey All, I'm Lindsay. I'm here putting my heart out there for you to read and hopefully be encouraged by. This place here is my life--my parenting, my home, my Jesus, my thoughts about life. I can't wait to get to know you through this sweet and sacred place.