So here I sit with the dreaded cursor blinking at me, encouraging me in none other than a pushy way to write—to say something—anything. There’s something about the cursor that reminds me every time I sit staring at it though—it reminds me that to say something is better than to say nothing. It reminds me that whatever words spill from...
- Category: Foster -
Whoever you are, I think you’d be comfortable saying that you’ve had a run-in at some point with shame—that deep, nagging sense of wishing you could rewind and have a “do-over”, that deep, abiding feeling of almost resenting something you’ve done, something about yourself, something that defines you. Sometimes I think shame can sneak up on us—perhaps we don’t even...
Oftentimes when I wake in the morning, my body begins to stir before my mind is ready to engage with the fact that it will have to remain alert for the next, oh, seventeen-ish hours. Generally, my body clock begins to sound around 5:15, and my body obeys whenever Esmae’s little cries start to carry down the hall and into...
I have, yet again, come to realize that opening the front (and the back) door to kids with messy pasts is a fast track to a few things: a. Exhaustion b. Impatience c. Anxiety d. Change e. Self-reflection f. Conviction of sin Despite the above list, I do...
One week. Seven Days. 168 hours. 10,080 minutes. This is how long we’ve had “X”, our new foster son. With his addition to our family, we now have three children under three...
Last night it took me 45 minutes to do bedtime with Esmae. Simply, I was delighting in the squeezing of each dainty little toe, and savoring the tiny, excited, splashes she was making in the warm bathwater. I pulled out the camera and desperately tried to get a photo to document all of the sweetness that she is. Although much...
For 25.5 months; 111 weeks; 778 days we have been awaiting this day. You see, 25.5 months; 111 weeks; 778 days ago, we got a call from Lutheran Social Services saying that they needed a home for a four-month old boy named Isaiah. With overwhelming excitement and genuine earnestness, we accepted. My hands shook as I called my dad to...

Hey All, I'm Lindsay. I'm here putting my heart out there for you to read and hopefully be encouraged by. This place here is my life--my parenting, my home, my Jesus, my thoughts about life. I can't wait to get to know you through this sweet and sacred place.